Advisor, German Cooperation (GIZ)

Main responsibilities

  • Consulting of Jordanian Universities with respect to the introduction of Dual Study Programs.

Faculty for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, AKAD University Stuttgart – University of Applied Science

Main responsibilities

  • Professor for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, specialized in Telecommunications, Energy Information Systems, Energy Information Networks, Smart Energy Grids. Placing ICT into the Study Programs of AKAD university.

[Website of AKAD university]

Vice President, AKAD University Stuttgart – University of Applied Science

Main responsibilities

  • Vice President Research and Innovation. Further expansion of the research protfolio and the study programme portfolio of AKAD university.

[Website of AKAD university]

Advisor for Renewable Energy Technology, Energy Networks and Smart Grids as well as Vocational and Higher Edicationat German Cooperation (GIZ)

Main responsibilities

  • Technology advice for the German Ministry of International Cooperation
  • Global technical advice for German Technology Cooperation projects (development aid)

[Website of GIZ]

Faculty for Telecommunications and from Apr 2012 to Dec 2013 Academic Vice Dean of Technical Trainers College Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Main responsibilities

  • Supervising of the Academic Division of TTC incorporating 85 international faculty in five departments
  • Ensuring the quality of TTCs European accredited study programs in vocational pedagogy, technical disciplines and English language training
  • Guiding a fundamental reform of all of TTCs curricula
  • Establishing a Continuing Education Program for Technical and Pedagogical Education
  • Set-up of a Masters Program for TTC

(Project of German International Cooperation)

[Website of Technical Trainers College Riad]

Professor, Dean of Engineering Sciences and Program Director for Telecommunications at Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule Darmstadt – University of Applied Sciences

Main responsibilities

  • Supervising of program managers for five Bachelor and Diploma programs in the fields of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering
  • Supervising of nine Directors of Study
  • Accreditation of the 1st technical Masters program of Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule
  • Cooperation with California State University Sacramento (California)
  • Establishing of a new Competence Cluster Energy Engineering focussing on Regenerative Energy and Electrical Energy Technology (set-up of study programs and acquisition of teaching competence)
  • Supervising of studies in Telecommunications

Senior Consultant Network and Product Strategy of the Optical Networks Business Division of Alcatel-Lucent

hosted by Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG Stuttgart 2003 – 2008 Member of the Alcatel Technical Academy 2007 – 2008 Chairman of the German Chapter of the Alcatel-Lucent Technical Academy

Director Advanced Technology

Chief Technology Officer (CTO) organization of Alcatel (Paris)

Manager Technology Observation and Assessment

Chief Technology Officer (CTO) organization of Alcatel (Paris)

Consultant Network and Service Strategy of Alcatel SEL AG Stuttgart

1998 – 1999 Head of Department Service Strategy

System Planning Engineer (Project Engineer)

Research Centre of Alcatel SEL AG Stuttgart

1996 Visiting Scientist, International Computer Science Institute

Berkeley, California

Research Assistant

Hochschule für Verkehrswesen “Friedrich List” Dresden (University of
Transport and Communications)

1987 PhD (Dr.-Ing.), Communications Technology, Grade: Cum

1988 Research Stay at Delhi University und Indian Institute of

Science Bangalore, India

Post gradual studies of Academic Development at Humboldt-Universität, Berlin

Studies of Information Technology

Hochschule für Verkehrswesen “Friedrich List” Dresden

Certificate: Diplomingenieur (Dipl.-Ing.), Grade: good

University Teaching Position at Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft – University of Applied Science Dresden

Information Transmission and Signal Processing

Consulting Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig – University of Applied Science

Consulting Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig – University of Applied Science for the set-up of programs for Communications Technology and Telecommunications

Deputy Chairman of the German Telecommunications Engineers Association IfKom

(Ingenieure für Kommunikation e.V.)

University Teaching Position at Duale Hochschule Baden Württemberg, Stuttgart

Communications and Networking Technology

Evaluator for European Union Research Programs

(ACTS, IST, TEN-Telecom, 6. framework program, 7. framework program)

University Teaching Position at Berufsakademie Stuttgart

University of Applied Science, Basics of Electrical Engineering


Communication Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Informationstechnische Gesellschaft (ITG) inside VDE
Sächsisches Telekommunikationszentrum e.V.


  • German (mother tongue)
  • English (fluent in writing and speaking)
  • Russian (school level)
  • Arabic (basics)
Home © Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Frohberg 2013 - 2016